Jersey Cricket Documents
Rules, codes of conduct & Spirit of Cricket
Jersey Cricket Constitution
Strategic Plan 2022-2025
Eligibility Rules for Playing Cricket in Jersey
Jersey Cricket - Code of Conduct
Jersey Cricket - Spirit of Cricket
Indoor League Rules - 2020
Weekend League Cricket Rules 2023
Evening League Cricket Rules 2023
Anti-doping, anti-corruption & ethics policies
Jersey Cricket - Anti Doping Policy
ICC Anti-Doping Unit for European Associate Members
Jersey Cricket - Anti Corruption
Jersey Cricket - Ethics Policy
Jersey Cricket Integrity Officer:
Sarah Gomersall
Email - sarah.gomersall@jerseycricket.je
Phone - 01534 758963
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) leads a collaborative global movement for doping-free sport. The website provides information on the Prohibited List which is updated annually:
The Global DRO website enables you to check medication:
Safeguarding policies & codes of conduct
The Jersey Cricket Board will ensure the safety and protection of all vulnerable people (adults at risk and children) in our care through its safeguarding policy. Vulnerable people have a right to be safe and adults have a responsibility to protect them. All staff and volunteers need to be clear on the recording and reporting of safeguarding concerns, how these concerns will be taken forward within a clear sharing information network and the role of other agencies.
It is important to remember that everyone has a duty of care and all staff and volunteers who either work directly or come in to contact with vulnerable people have a part to play in helping to keep them safe and to promote their welfare. The new Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 2018 came into force on 23rd November 2018 regarding Positions of Trust (Part 6 of the law - https://www.jerseylaw.je/laws/enacted/Pages/L-20-2018.aspx#_Toc515633458) - a coach is now defined as a position of trust.
Jersey Cricket Safeguarding Policy
Jersey Cricket Safeguarding Reporting Form
Jersey Cricket Off-Island Travel Policy
Jersey Cricket Behaviour Policy
Jersey Cricket Code of Conduct - Parents
Jersey Cricket Code of Conduct - Players
Jersey Cricket Code of Conduct - Staff & Volunteers
Jersey Cricket Complaints Policy
Jersey Cricket Whistleblowing Policy
Jersey Cricket Equity Policy
Jersey Cricket Concussion in Cricket Policy
Jersey Cricket Partnerships with Parents Policy
Jersey Cricket Inclusion and Equal Opportunities Policy
Jersey Cricket Missing Child Policy
Jersey Cricket Safer Recruitment Policy